
public struct BuildController : RouteCollection

Controller with endpoints that return Builds related data

  • Returns the routes supported by this Controller. All the routes are in the v1/build path


    An Error if something goes wrong



    public func boot(routes: RoutesBuilder) throws



    RoutesBuilder to which the routes will be added

  • Endpoint that returns the paginated list of Build sorted by date from the most recent to the least recent.

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build?page=1&per=10
    • Request parameters
      • page. Optional. Page number to fetch. Default is 1
      • per. Optional. Number of items to fetch per page. Default is 10
    • Response:
      "metadata": {
          "per": 10,
          "total": 100,
          "page": 2
       "items": [
           "userid": "tim",
           "warningCount": 3,
           "duration": 1.10,
           "isCi": false,
           "startTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:36:22Z",
           "startTimestampMicroseconds": 1604334982.5824749,
           "category": "noop",
           "endTimestampMicroseconds": 1604334993.6019359,
           "tag": "",
           "compilationEndTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:36:22Z",
           "compilationDuration": 0,
           "projectName": "MyProject",
           "compilationEndTimestampMicroseconds": 1604334982.5824749,
           "errorCount": 0,
           "buildStatus": "succeeded",
           "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
           "id": "MyMac_D682E30D-AF89-4712-A78E-85DC0AAB83C8_1",
           "schema": "App",
           "compiledCount": 0,
           "endTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:36:33Z",
           "userid256": "c28b6fd9a49bd8c74767501a114784d327336f3ff861873341b5b64900125463",
           "machineName": "MyMac",
           "wasSuspended": false



    public func index(req: Request) -> EventLoopFuture<Page<Build>>
  • Endpoint that returns the paginated list of Build filtered by different criteria, like creation date, build status and project name

    • Method: POST
    • Route: /v1/build/filter
    • Request body
        "from": "2020-10-23T04:00:00Z",
        "to": "2021-10-24T17:00:00Z",
        "page": 1,
        "per": 5,
        "projectName": "MyProject",
        "status": "failed"
    • Body Parameters

      • from. Lower limit creation date of the Build
      • to. Upper limit creation date of the Build
      • projectName. Optional. Name of the project that was built
      • status. Optional. Status of the Build. Possible values: succeeded, failed or stopped
      • page. Optional. Page number to fetch. Default is 1
      • per. Optional. Number of items to fetch per page. Default is 10
      • Response:
      "metadata": {
         "per": 5,
          "total": 6,
          "page": 1
       "items": [
           "userid": "tim",
           "warningCount": 3,
           "duration": 1.4963999999999999e-05,
           "startTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:38:40Z",
           "isCi": false,
           "startTimestampMicroseconds": 1604335120.279242,
           "category": "incremental",
           "endTimestampMicroseconds": 1604335135.242979,
           "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
           "compilationEndTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:38:55Z",
           "compilationDuration": 1.4849e-05,
           "projectName": "MyProject",
           "compilationEndTimestampMicroseconds": 1604335135.128335,
           "buildStatus": "failed",
           "id": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1",
           "tag": "",
           "errorCount": 1,
           "schema": "MyProject",
           "compiledCount": 86,
           "endTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:38:55Z",
           "userid256": "c28b6fd9a49bd8c74767501a114784d327336f3ff861873341b5b64900125463",
           "machineName": "MyMac",
           "wasSuspended": false



    public func list(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<Page<Build>>
  • Endpoint that returns the most relevant information of a Build: Build data, Xcode used and list of Target that were built.

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/<buildId>
    • Path parameters

      • buildId. Mandatory. Build‘s identifier
    • Response:

        "build": {
          "userid": "tim",
          "warningCount": 3,
          "duration": 1.4,
          "startTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:38:40Z",
          "isCi": false,
          "startTimestampMicroseconds": 1604335120.279242,
          "category": "incremental",
          "endTimestampMicroseconds": 1604335135.242979,
          "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
          "compilationEndTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:38:55Z",
          "compilationDuration": 1.48,
          "projectName": "MyProject",
          "compilationEndTimestampMicroseconds": 1604335135.128335,
          "buildStatus": "failed",
          "id": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1",
          "tag": "",
          "errorCount": 1,
          "schema": "App",
          "compiledCount": 86,
          "endTimestamp": "2020-11-02T16:38:55Z",
          "userid256": "c28b6fd9a49bd8c74767501a114784d327336f3ff861873341b5b64900125463",
          "machineName": "MyMac",
          "wasSuspended": false
        "xcode": {
           "buildNumber": "12A7209",
           "id": "6354C87F-0ADC-4354-929C-02EBE545E099",
           "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1",
           "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
           "version": "1200"
        "targets": [
             "id": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1992",
             "category": "noop",
             "startTimestamp": "2020-11-02T10:59:09Z",
             "compilationEndTimestampMicroseconds": 1604314749.2909288,
             "endTimestampMicroseconds": 1604314982.298002,
             "endTimestamp": "2020-11-02T11:03:02Z",
             "fetchedFromCache": true,
             "errorCount": 0,
             "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
             "warningCount": 0,
             "compilationEndTimestamp": "2020-11-02T10:59:09Z",
             "compilationDuration": 0,
             "compiledCount": 0,
             "duration": 0.000233007,
             "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1",
             "name": "Model",
             "startTimestampMicroseconds": 1604314749.2909288



    public func build(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<BuildResponse>
  • Endpoint that returns the list of errors of the given Build

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/error/<buildId>
    • Path parameters

      • buildId. Mandatory. Build‘s identifier
    • Response:

         "detail": "\/Users\/<redacted>\/myproject\/Sources\/MyClass.m:241:97:// /  error: instance method 'fetch' not found ; did you mean 'fetchIt'?\r
         myclass:[self.myService fetch]\r                                                                                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~\r                                                                                                fetch\r
         1 error generated.\r",
         "characterRangeEnd": 13815,
         "id": "3E6EF185-6AC1-4E95-87E8-E305F41916E9",
         "endingColumn": 97,
         "parentIdentifier": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_8860",
         "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
         "type": "clangError",
         "title": "Instance method 'fetch' not found ; did you mean 'fetchIt'?",
         "endingLine": 241,
         "severity": 2,
         "startingLine": 241,
         "parentType": "step",
         "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1",
         "startingColumn": 97,
         "characterRangeStart": 0,
          "documentURL": "file:\/\/\/Users\/<redacted>\/myproject\/Sources\/MyClass.m"



    public func buildErrors(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[BuildError]>
  • Endpoint that returns the list of warnings of the given Build

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/warning/<buildId>
    • Path parameters

      • buildId. Mandatory. Build‘s identifier
    • Response:

        "detail": null,
        "characterRangeEnd": 9817,
        "documentURL": "file:\/\/\/Users\/<redacted>\/myproject\/Sources\/MyViewController.m",
        "endingColumn": 22,
        "id": "5F2011AC-F87F-4EDC-BBC6-2BBA3D789EB3",
        "parentIdentifier": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1845",
        "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
        "type": "deprecatedWarning",
        "title": "'dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 12.0",
        "endingLine": 235,
        "severity": 1,
        "startingLine": 235,
        "parentType": "step",
        "clangFlag": "[-Wdeprecated-declarations]",
        "startingColumn": 22,
        "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_34580469-5792-40F3-BEFB-7C5925996F23_1",
        "characterRangeStart": 0



    public func buildWarnings(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[BuildWarning]>
  • Endpoint that returns the data of the host used in the given Build

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/host/<buildId>
    • Path parameters

      • buildId. Mandatory. Build‘s identifier
    • Response:

        "id": "9DD5508D-4AD9-4C1C-AB7C-45BC2183EC51",
        "swapFreeMb": 1615.25,
        "hostOsFamily": "Darwin",
        "isVirtual": false,
        "uptimeSeconds": 1602055187,
        "hostModel": "MacBookPro14,2",
        "hostOsVersion": "10.15.7",
        "day": "2020-10-26T00:00:00Z",
        "cpuCount": 4,
        "swapTotalMb": 7168,
        "hostOs": "Mac OS X",
        "hostArchitecture": "x86_64",
        "memoryTotalMb": 16384,
        "timezone": "CET",
        "cpuModel": "Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7567U CPU @ 3.50GHz",
        "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_1FE14870-EDF1-4E8C-B1AA-2C2DF484842B_1",
        "memoryFreeMb": 24.5234375,
        "cpuSpeedGhz": 3.5



    public func buildHost(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<BuildHost>
  • Endpoint that returns the metadata sent using XCMetrics plugins for the given Build. The metadata is returned as a JSON object where each data is a key-value pair of Strings

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/metadata/<buildId>
    • Path parameters

      • buildId. Mandatory. Build‘s identifier
    • Response:

        "metadata": {
          "anotherKey": "42",
          "thirdKey": "Third value",
          "aKey": "value1"
        "id": "C1CDF2CE-0CC2-49C3-B8A2-481E67020CB8",
        "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
        "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_0B9294B4-7E5A-4D40-91AB-5953A5075785_1"



    public func metadata(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<BuildMetadata>
  • Endpoint that returns the list of projects from which there are Build on the database. Useful if you want the list to filter the build per project using the endpoint /v1/build/list

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/project
    • Response:



    public func projects(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[String]>
  • Endpoint that returns the list of Steps that were done to build a Target.

    • Method: GET
    • Route: /v1/build/step/:day/:targetId example: /v1/build/step/20210129/ash22j3sdba1f0654c3f9e9a_6561690B-DFE4-4EE8-ABEE-99E4D3325E7B_15
    • Path parameters
      • day. Mandatory. Target‘s day as String in UTC. example: 20210129
      • targetId. Mandatory. Target’s id.
    • Response:
          "id": "ash22j3sdba1f0654c3f9e9a_6561690B-DFE4-4EE8-ABEE-99E4D3325E7B_16",
          "startTimestamp": "2021-01-29T08:11:41Z",
          "endTimestamp": "2021-01-29T08:11:41Z",
          "errorCount": 0,
          "endTimestampMicroseconds": 1611907901.256928,
          "fetchedFromCache": false,
          "targetIdentifier": "ecba60d222f04c51dba1f0654c3f9e9a_6561690B-DFE8-4EE8-ABEE-99E4D3325E7B_15",
          "day": "2021-01-29T00:00:00Z",
          "type": "other",
          "title": "Create directory SPTAuthAccountsTests.xctest",
          "warningCount": 0,
           "signature": "MkDir \/Users\/<redacted>\/my_project\/build\/DerivedData\/Build\/Products\/Debug-iphonesimulator\/MyProjectTests.xctest",
           "architecture": "",
           "duration": 2.3,
           "documentURL": "",
           "buildIdentifier": "ash22j3sdba1f0654c3f9e9a_6561690B-DFE4-4EE8-ABEE-99E4D3325E7B_1",
           "startTimestampMicroseconds": 1611907901.255825



    public func targetSteps(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[Step]>
  • Endpoint that returns the list of BuildMetadatas that were added to a build filtered by a given key-value pair.

    • Method: POST
    • Route: /v1/build/metadata/filter
    • Request body
        "key": "aKey",
        "value": "value1"
          "metadata": {
            "anotherKey": "42",
            "thirdKey": "Third value",
            "aKey": "value1"
          "id": "C1CDF2CE-0CC2-49C3-B8A2-481E67020CB8",
          "day": "2020-11-02T00:00:00Z",
          "buildIdentifier": "MyMac_0B9294B4-7E5A-4D40-91AB-5953A5075785_1"



    public func metadataFilter(req: Request) throws -> EventLoopFuture<[BuildMetadata]>